Gant Laborde is an owner of Infinite Red, mentor, adjunct professor, published author, and award-winning speaker. For 20 years, he has been involved in software development and continues strong today. He is recognized as a Google Developer Expert.
You're standing on the edge of the AI revolution. There's no such thing as not playing... you're either early or you're late.
Apr 16, 20243140
Thinking in AI
You're standing on the edge of the AI revolution. There's no such thing as not playing... you're either early or you're late.
Mar 04, 20243340
AI Vision
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Oct 02, 20234570
Guitar Update
Sep 05, 20234460
A History of Cryptography for Programmers
Cryptography has a long and fascinating history that spans thousands of years. It has been used to protect sensitive information, ensure the authenticity of messages, and facilitate secure communication. In this conference talk, we will explore the history of cryptography from its early beginnings with the Caesar cipher to modern techniques such as public key cryptography and JWT (JSON Web Token). We will start by discussing the Caesar cipher, a simple substitution cipher that was used by Julius Caesar to encode messages sent to his military commanders. We will then move on to public key cryptography, which allows for secure communication over an insecure channel by using a pair of keys: a public key and a private key. We will also discuss how JWT (JSON Web Token) is used in modern web applications to securely transmit information between parties. Throughout the talk, we will cover the key concepts and techniques used in cryptography, as well as the challenges and opportunities that have shaped the field over the years. This talk is designed for programmers who are interested in learning more about the history and fundamentals of cryptography.
Dec 13, 20227180
Know your HR stuffs - Days off, sick, and special leave.
Mar 23, 20221,3240
AI in Web - AI-LAB
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Feb 23, 20221,4340
All-Treat 2021
Aug 25, 20211,6430
Making Something Cool
OH WOW, we love building cool stuff right? Let's do it!
May 25, 20211,7283
A small intro into the Community Builder's program
May 25, 20211,6692
Copy of Lightning TensorFlow.js
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Mar 22, 20211,6501
Lightning TensorFlow.js
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Nov 18, 20202,0245
Oct 20, 20202,1240
Amplify Your Audience
Let's use some amazing tech to build real-time magic! We'll use TensorFlow.js, AWS Amplify, and ReactJS!
Sep 10, 20202,3357
WHO SAID IT! App for React Native EU
Aug 15, 20202,0812
NTS - Reveal
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Apr 12, 202019,525164
Adventures in TensorFlow.js
Machine Learning is Beautiful, especially in the browser! Let's explore it together!
Feb 14, 20203,2149
Keras Tuner - Automating Hide and Seek
#io19 updated Keras training in a whole new way! Check out hypertuning for humans!
Jun 18, 20193,2441
Machine Learning is Beautiful - Let's explore it together!
Apr 16, 20193,7456
Testing... Testing... 1, 2, NaN
Testing talk for ForwardJS
Jan 22, 20194,0953
Gant's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Say the magic words and infuse them with you will. Like magic, the people and ideas around you spring to life as if animated by some invisible wire. Fantasy? Only for those who forget to light the candle of their minds.
Dec 18, 20182,9294
Cage Against the Machine
Machine Learning is a buzzword because big companies love it. Big companies love it because it's insanely cool. Join me as we cover the breath-taking aspects of Machine Learning (ML) and dive deep into how it's currently showing up in mobile; especially React Native. We'll touch the tip of the iceberg and spark ML creativity for everyone!
Dec 01, 20182,6220
The best of the beat poetry from Infinite Red... though they didn't even know.
Oct 21, 20182,4040
The React State Museum
In React there's a plethora of state management systems. How can you choose one over any other? Let me help!
Sep 15, 20182,9761
Testing... Testing... 1, 2, NaN
Testing talk for Alicante Spain.
Aug 17, 20184,5601
React Native Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a buzzword because big companies love it. Big companies love it because it's insanely cool. Join me as we cover the breath-taking aspects of Machine Learning (ML) and dive deep into how it's currently showing up in mobile; especially React Native. We'll touch the tip of the iceberg and spark ML creativity for everyone!
Aug 16, 20184,9181
Understanding the influence and persuasion science of a proper README. In a world of people looking to be heard, how does your code find voice?
Jun 25, 20183,0991
Presentation Tools for Success
May 24, 20182,6520
React Native Workshop
Using JavaScript to create a useful CLI. A tour through Node/JS/TypeScript/Solidarity and More.
Apr 24, 20182,5380
Ignite React Native Mobile
All the je ne sais quoi of Infinite Red's ways of doing React Native Apps
Apr 09, 20184,9960
Interview Powerup
Skills to knock it out of the park in your next interview.
Jan 25, 20182,8591
Useful CLI
Using JavaScript to create a useful CLI. A tour through Node/JS/TypeScript/Solidarity and More.
Dec 11, 20172,5940
Rapid React Native Mobile
All the je ne sais quoi of Infinite Red's ways of doing React Native Apps
Jul 14, 20174,1990
OOP intro
Introducing Object Oriented Programming
May 12, 20173,5691
Coding Mobile with the Pros
All the je ne sais quoi of Infinite Red's ways of doing React Native Apps
Apr 11, 20172,8290
Rapid Apps with React Native
All the je ne sais quoi of Infinite Red's ways of doing React Native Apps
Mar 22, 20173,2230
Remote Mute
Feb 27, 20172,8100
Ignite 2.0
The splendor that is Ignite two point OH!
Feb 04, 20173,2420
Loyola Codeweek
Jul 10, 20163,0700
React Native Ignite
Introducing React Native with Ignite Generator
Jun 19, 20163,6750
A Tour Through React Native
Join me with a beginner's tour through React Native.
Feb 10, 20163,1042
eleGant Ruby
A short jaunt through the world of Ruby and it's beauty.
Oct 28, 20153,3530
Validating Your Existence
May 12, 20154,0340
Introduction to RubyMotion
Mar 12, 20153,1030
It's rewarding to create something that you can share and enjoy with everyone. Web developers make fun, beautiful, and interactive creations all the time. With the Raspberry Pi, you can take your creations into the real world! CoffeeBoard is a simple Raspberry Pi project that allows you to serve a web page, where visitors can upload and choose what images should be scrolled across an 32x16 LED display.