Resolving the Great State Debate

I'm Jamon Holmgren


Cofounder & CTO at Infinite Red

Twitter: @jamonholmgren

Jamon Holmgren


Pacific Northwesterner

Live near Portland, Oregon

Live with my wife and 4 kids
Work from home


Jamon Holmgren


30 people, mostly in US/Canada

Mobile / Web Design


React Native

AI/Machine Learning (hi Gant!)

Infinite Red


Another React Native Conference!

Portland, Oregon

July, 2020

Chain React


Lean Core Initiative

React Native Community Core (WebView)



React Native Open Source


Resolving the

Great State Debate


State History










We started using React Native in 2015

React Native Newbies

Redux was awesome!



Learning Curve

  • Lots of new terms:
    reducer, dispatch, action creators, thunks, sagas

  • Lots of boilerplate (it is better now)

  • Flux pattern is hard to wrap mind around

Problems with Redux


No clear way to handle side effects

  • Do we use Redux-Sagas? Redux-Thunk?

  • Middleware can become bloated

Problems with Redux


Everybody does Redux differently

  • "The problem isn't with Redux, it's how teams use it."

  • "People put things in app-wide stores that should be local state."

  • "Stores are designed to support a single page and data isn't normalized."

Problems with Redux


Hooks and Context


Hooks replace class components

  • useState ~= this.state, this.setState

  • useEffect ~= componentDidMount, etc

Do hooks replace Redux?


Some hooks can be used for app state

  • useReducer

  • useContext

  • Performance implications

Do hooks replace Redux?


Do hooks replace Redux?


Do hooks replace Redux?


Not really.

There are missing pieces.

That's where MobX/MST comes in.



  • Jay Meistrich:

  • "Having never used Redux, I hate it."

  • "Having never used MobX, I love it."

  • (upon seeing this slide):

  • "Having read this slide, I love it."






The MobX Trifecta



MobX provides the underlying functions to build your application state and manage it. It's the "engine".



"MST is like React, but for data."
- Michel Westsrate, creator of MobX/MST

MST makes MobX a bit more like Redux.

(in the good ways!)



MobX-React wires up MobX to React

for maximum performance.




One cohesive system

MobX, MobX-State-Tree (MST),
and MobX-React


MobX, MST, MobX-React

Code examples

A whirlwind tour -- buckle up!


// ...
import { MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"

export const PlayersScreen = observer((props) => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  // access properties
  // iterate through arrays
  const teamNames = => )
  // fire actions
  // access views
  // ...

Example: Accessing State


import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { City } from "../city"

export const Team = types.model({
  id:       types.identifier,
  city:     types.reference(City),
  region:   types.string,
  name:     types.string,
  abbrev:   types.string,
  imgURL:   types.string,
  capacity: types.number,
  strategy: types.enumeration("strategy", [
    "rebuilding", "contending"

Example: MST Model


import { types, getEnv, flow } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { Team } from "./team"

export const RootStore = types
  .model("RootStore", {
    teams: types.array(Team),
    status: types.enumeration(["pending", "loading", "done", "error"]), "pending"),
  .actions(self => ({
    setTeams: teams => (self.teams = teams),
    setStatus: newStatus => (self.status = newStatus),
    getAll: flow(function* () {
      self.status = "loading"
      const { teams } = yield getEnv(self).api.get()
      self.teams = teams
      self.status = "done"

Example: MST Root Store


import * as React from "react"
import { FlatList } from "react-native"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { TeamRow } from "./team-row"

export const TeamsScreen = observer((props) => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { teams } = rootStore

  return (
      keyExtractor={t =>}
      renderItem={({ item }) => 
        <TeamRow imgURL={item.imgURL} name={} />

Example: MobX-React


// Display a "warmer" to ask for a permission type
warm: flow(function* (permissionType) {
  self.permissionType = permissionType

  // check if already permitted and succeed if so
  let permission = yield check(permissionType)
  if (permission === "authorized") return true

  // otherwise show warmer

  // wait for the warmer to dismiss
  yield when(() => !self.isWarmerActive)

  // now check permissions again
  permission = yield check(permissionType)
  return permission === "authorized"

Example: Side Effects


import { types, getEnv, flow } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { Team } from "./team"

export const RootStore = types
  .model("RootStore", {
    teams: types.array(Team),
    status: types.enumeration(["pending", "loading", "done", "error"]), "pending"),
  .actions(self => ({
    // ...
  .views(self => ({
    get sortedTeams() {
      return self.teams.sort((a, b) => {
        return ( < ? -1 : 1

Example: MST Views

React Navigation



React Navigation

Because navigation is part of app state!


React Navigation


React Navigation

import { types, onSnapshot, getRoot } from 'mobx-state-tree'
import { Team } from '../models/team'
import { User } from '../models/user'

export const NavigationStore = types
  .model('NavigationStore', {
    profileScreenParams: types.model('profileScreenParams', {
      user: types.maybe(types.safeReference(User))
    teamScreenParams: types.model('TeamScreenParams', {
      team: types.maybe(types.safeReference(Team))


React Navigation

// instead of this
navigation.navigate('ProfileScreen', { user: someUser }))

// you'd do this


React Navigation Hooks

// ... other imports
import { useNavigation } from 'react-navigation-hooks'

const MyLinkButton = (props) => {
  const { navigate } = useNavigation()
  return <View><Button onPress={() => navigate("Home")} /></View>


React Navigation

React Navigation 5.0 will have a new component-centric API
(see Satya and Michał's talk)

What about GraphQL?



MST-GQL (experimental)




MST Models <> GraphQL Schemas

Generates MST models from your endpoint type information




Jamon Holmgren & Morgan Laco

Ancient City Ruby-Rails-React

Jacksonville Beach, FL

October 3-4, 2019

Mixing it all together



Mixing it all together

Hooks & Context

MobX, MobX State Tree, MobX React

React Navigation

React Navigation Hooks



Mixing it all together

Let's look at one component

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

Hooks for local state

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

Context for accessing MST stores

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

MST for storing application state

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

MobX-React for rendering performantly

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

React Navigation & Hooks for Navigation

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useNavigation } from "react-navigation-hooks"
import { observer, MobXProviderContext } from "mobx-react"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const rootStore = React.useContext(MobXProviderContext).RootStore
  const { players } = rootStore
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (
    <View testID="PlayersScreen">
      <PlayerList currentPlayer={currentPlayer} players={players} goBack={goBack} />


Mixing it all together

MST for side effects, async flow control

// Display a "warmer" to ask for a permission type
warm: flow(function* (permissionType) {
  self.permissionType = permissionType

  // check if already permitted and succeed if so
  let permission = yield self.rootStore.check(permissionType)
  if (permission === "authorized") return true

  // otherwise show warmer

  // wait for the warmer to dismiss
  yield when(() => !self.isWarmerActive)

  // now check permissions again
  permission = yield self.rootStore.check(permissionType)
  return permission === "authorized"


Premixed in Ignite Bowser





A pattern is emerging

Experimental runtime library

Brings everything together


React-NavX Features*

* Subject to change!

useRootStore, useNavStore, useStore

MobX, MobX State Tree, MobX React

React Navigation & Hooks

State Persistence built-in

Reactotron support


React-NavX - main entry file

import React, { useState } from "react"
import { AppRegistry } from "react-native"
import { MainStackNavigator } from "./navigation/main-stack-navigator"
import { AppStore } from "./models/app-store"
import { NavX } from "react-navx"

function App(props) {
  const [appStore] = useState(AppStore.create({}))

  return (
      stores={{ appStore }}
AppRegistry.registerComponent("MyApp", () => App)


import React, { useState } from "react"
import { View } from "react-native"
import { useStore, useNavigation, observer } from "react-navx"
import { PlayerList } from "./player-list"

export const PlayersScreen = observer(props => {
  const { players } = useStore("AppStore")
  const [currentPlayer, setPlayer] = useState(undefined)
  const navigation = useNavigation()
  const goBack = () => navigation.goBack(null)

  return (...)




Still very new

Expect everything to be broken

But keep an eye on the repo!

Learn More


All the links!!


Infinite Red Links



Chain React:


Jamon Holmgren

Twitter: @jamonholmgren


Thank You!


React Native EU 2019 - Jamon - Resolving the Great State Debate with Hooks, Context, and MobX-State-Tree

By Infinite Red

React Native EU 2019 - Jamon - Resolving the Great State Debate with Hooks, Context, and MobX-State-Tree

Jamon's talk at React Native EU

  • 2,754