Chain React Conference

The 4th annual US React Native Conference


Through Code



collaboration & community

A nod to the collaborative and community-driven nature of the React Native space.

The new brand:

Shapes & patterns

emphasize collaboration

Abstract Grids

building community

Chain React 2023

Welcome to day one

Good morning, Portland!

Ken LaFrance

No introductions needed, but we'll do them anyway. 

2023 Emcee

The 4th Annual Chain React Conference

Presented by

Thanks to our 2023 sponsors

SSID: ChainReact

PASS: community

Get on the wifi

See a problem? Text:


Code of Conduct




Slack Community


Sign up here

& join the channel

Talks happening now, places nearby, and an AI chat at the ready with suggestions.

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See a bug? Open a PR on Github

Post jobs, find jobs, grab swag, and snag prizes.

Hotswap table

Located on the second floor (at the top of the stairs)

Chain React day one talks

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Let's get to it

Theo Browne

Twitch Streamer, CEO, & Founder

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Andrew Gable


Chain React

A React Native Conference



After the break

Break, 10:00—10:30am

Kadi Kramen

Mark Rickert

Cecelia Martinez

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Chain React day one talks

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Welcome back

Kadi Kramen

Head of Mobile Dev

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Mark Rickert

Principal Software Engineer

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Cecelia Martinez

Developer Advocate

Chain React

A React Native Conference



After the break

Lunch, 12:00—1:30pm

Naoya Makino

Lightning Talk

Nick Alekhine

Lightning Talk

Chris DeMars

Lightning Talk

Jenn Robison

Lightning Talk

Riccardo Cipolleschi

Rachel Nabors

Lightning Talk

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Chain React day one talks

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Welcome back

Naoya Makino

Senior Engineering Manager

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Lightning Talk

Nick Alekhine

Staff Software Engineer

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Lightning Talk

Chris DeMars

Developer Advocate

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Lightning Talk

Rachel Nabors

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Lightning Talk

Jenn Robison

Staff Mobile Software Engineer

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Lightning Talk

Riccardo Cipolleschi

Software Engineer

Chain React

A React Native Conference



After the break

Break, 3:00—4:00pm

Keith Kurak

Chiara Mooney & Shiven Mian

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Chain React day one talks

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Welcome back



Developer Success Engineer

Chain React

A React Native Conference



Chiara Mooney

Chain React

A React Native Conference



& Shiven Mian

Afterparty hosted by Expensify

What's next?

When: 6:00 pm

401 SW 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97204

Where: Bank of Expensify

Chain React 2023, Day 1

By Infinite Red

Chain React 2023, Day 1

Conference Slides for Chain React 2019, Day 1

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